“水利工程雜志”,前身為“水力學雜志”(1956-1982),是由美國土木工程師學會出版的同行評審的科學期刊。 主題范圍從封閉管道中的流動到自由表面流動(運河,河流,湖泊和河口)到環境流體動力學。 主題包括涉及流體(多相流)的運輸過程,例如沉積物和污染物運輸,以及熱量和氣體轉移。 重點放在提出知識和/或適用于水利工程專業的一般應用的概念,方法,技術和結果的表述。
The Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, formerly the Journal of the Hydraulics Division (1956–1982), is a peer-reviewed scientific journal published by the American Society of Civil Engineers. Topics range from flows in closed conduits to free-surface flows (canals, rivers, lakes, and estuaries) to environmental fluid dynamics. Topics include transport processes involving fluids (multiphase flows) such as sediment and contaminant transport, and heat and gas transfers. Emphasis is placed on the presentation of concepts, methods, techniques, and results that advance knowledge and/or are suitable for general application in the hydraulic engineering profession.
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