《腹腔鏡與先進外科技術雜志》(JLAST)是國際領先的同行評審期刊,為那些想跟上腹腔鏡、胃鏡、筆記和機器人學最新思維和先進外科技術的執業外科醫生提供服務。這本雜志非常適合早期采用新技術和新技術的外科醫生。認識到許多新技術和技術與幾個外科專業有著顯著的重疊,JLAST是第一本將這些主題集中在普通外科和兒科外科的雜志,包括其他外科子專業,如:泌尿外科、婦科外科、胸外科等。這本開創性的雜志現在已經擴展了與之配套的VideoJournal VideoScope?,每個訂閱者都可使用。JLAST覆蓋范圍包括:腹腔鏡檢查微創手術內鏡檢查注(自然口經腔內鏡手術)機器人學其他先進的外科技術和技術關于影像學影像學是jlast的在線補充,提供了同行評審的尖端外科技術和技術的高質量視頻演示,旨在使醫生能夠查看和評估新的外科和微創技術,并將其應用于日常外科實踐。視頻可以以Flash、QuickTime?和MP4格式查看或下載,以便在您的平板電腦或其他移動設備上使用,從而允許您在需要時隨時隨地訪問。可以搜索、下載視頻,并與同事共享,從而實現最佳的病患護理。視頻提交–作者須知《腹腔鏡與先進外科技術與影像學雜志》由哈佛醫學院院長P.Marco Fisichella,醫學博士,MBA;兒科編輯Daniel J.Ostlie,醫學博士,美國家庭兒童醫院外科主任,威斯康星州大學外科系兒科外科主任。康辛·麥迪遜;助理/視頻編輯弗雷德·布羅迪,醫學博士,喬治華盛頓大學普通外科學MBA;兒科視頻編輯馬克·伍爾坎,醫學博士,埃默里大學醫學院,兒科外科學;以及其他主要研究人員。查看整個編輯委員會。受眾:外科醫生:兒科、胸外科、心血管科、泌尿科、胃腸科和普外科等社會隸屬關系官方雜志國際小兒腔鏡外科學會索引/摘要位置:醫學雜志;公共雜志;中央雜志;當前內容|臨床醫學;科學引文索引擴展;科學引文索引;isi定制信息服務;浮雕/摘錄;醫學雜志;范圍;探索數據庫
Journal of Laparoendoscopic & Advanced Surgical Techniques (JLAST) is the leading international peer-reviewed journal for practicing surgeons who want to keep up with the latest thinking and advanced surgical technologies in laparoscopy, endoscopy, NOTES, and robotics. The Journal is ideally suited to surgeons who are early adopters of new technology and techniques. Recognizing that many new technologies and techniques have significant overlap with several surgical specialties, JLAST is the first journal to focus on these topics both in general and pediatric surgery, and includes other surgical subspecialties such as: urology, gynecologic surgery, thoracic surgery, and more. This pioneering journal has now expanded with the companion videojournal Videoscopy?, available with every subscription.JLAST coverage includes:LaparoscopyMinimally invasive surgeryEndoscopyNOTES (natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery)RoboticsOther advanced surgical technologies and techniques About VideoscopyVideoscopy, the online complement to JLAST, offers high-caliber video demonstrations of peer-reviewed, cutting-edge surgical techniques and technologies designed to enable physicians to view and evaluate new surgical and microinvasive techniques and apply them to everyday surgical practice. Videos can be viewed or downloaded in Flash, QuickTime?, and MP4 formats for use on your tablet or other mobile device allowing you on-the-spot access where and when you need it. Videos can be searched, downloaded, and shared with colleagues, facilitating optimal patient care.Submit your Videos – Instructions for AuthorsJournal of Laparoendoscopic & Advanced Surgical Techniques and Videoscopy are under the editorial leadership of Editor-in-Chief P. Marco Fisichella, MD, MBA, FACS, Harvard Medical School; Pediatric Editor Daniel J. Ostlie, MD, Surgeon-in-Chief, American Family Children''s Hospital, Chief, Pediatric Surgery, Department of Surgery, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Associate / Video Editor Fred Brody, MD, MBA, Department of General Surgery, George Washington University; Pediatric Video EditorMark Wulkan, MD, Emory University School of Medicine, Pediatric Surgery; and other leading investigators. View the entire editorial board.Audience: Surgeons: pediatric, thoracic, cardiovascular, urologic, gastrointestinal, and general surgery, among othersSociety Affiliation The Official Journal of the International Pediatric Endosurgery GroupIndexed/Abstracted in:MEDLINE; PubMed; PubMed Central; Current Contents?/Clinical Medicine; Science Citation Index Expanded;Science Citation Index?; ISI Custom Information Services; EMBASE/Excerpta Medica; Scopus; ProQuest databases
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