《算子理論》雜志是由羅馬尼亞科學院數學研究所“Simion Stoilow”與羅馬尼亞首都布加勒斯特的Theta基金會合作出版的。《算子理論》雜志致力于發表算子理論、算子代數和相關領域的重要文章。每年出版兩卷,每卷包括兩期。稿件可用英文(優先)、法文或德文書寫。優先考慮10至40頁打字的稿件。提交的論文采用高標準。要提交一篇論文,作者應該郵寄兩份紙質的原稿,或者將原稿以PDF格式通過電子郵件發送給其中一位編輯。在這兩種情況下,都需要提交一封求職信。提交論文時,作者保證該論文未受版權保護,未發表,也未提交其他地方發表。作者的詳細說明可以在作者指南中看到。接受之后,作者應該將源文件(AMS-LaTeX、LaTeX、AMS-TeX、TeX或類似的文件)通過電子郵件發送到布加勒斯特的編輯部。
The Journal of Operator Theory is published by the Theta Foundation in Bucharest with the cooperation of the Institute of Mathematics "Simion Stoilow" of the Romanian Academy. The Journal of Operator Theory endeavours to publish significant articles in all areas of operator theory, operator algebras and closely related domains. Two volumes are published each year and each volume consists of two issues.Manuscripts can be written in English (preferable), French, or German. Preference will be given to manuscripts between 10 and 40 typewritten pages. High standards are applied in evaluating submitted papers. To submit a paper, an author should either mail two hard paper copies of the manuscript or e-mail the manuscript as a PDF file, to one of the Editors. In both cases, a submission cover letter is needed. The submission of a paper carries with it the author's assurance that it has not been copyrighted, published, or submitted for publication elsewhere. Detailed instructions for authors can be seen in the Guidelines for Authors. After acceptance, authors should e-mail the source file (AMS-LaTeX, LaTeX, AMS-TeX, TeX, or the like) to the Editorial Office in Bucharest.
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