The main interests of the Journal of Pathology lie in the pathophysiological and pathogenetic mechanisms of human disease and in the application of such knowledge to diagnosis and prognosis. In determining content the primary considerations are excellence relevance and novelty. The Journal welcomes investigative studies on human tissues experimental studies in vitro and in vivo and investigations based on animal models with a clear relevance to human disease including transgenic systems. Methodological improvements in investigative and diagnostic pathology are also of interest. Correlative studies of pathological data and clinical outcomes are encouraged but purely descriptive papers on diagnostic pathology are not considered central to the Journal's purpose. In general studies which appropriately employ multiple investigative techniques are preferred over those which rely on a single methodology. Illustrations must be of the highest quality to be acceptable for publication. As well as original research papers the Journal seeks to provide rapid publication in a variety of other formats including editorials review articles and other features both contributed and solicited. Papers covering significant developments in teaching methods and in the practice of pathology may be acceptable if they are of international scope and relevance. Correspondence from readers will be published if it is of general interest. In summary the Journal aims to serve as a bridge between basic biomedical science and clinical medicine. As a Journal of the Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland it seeks to reflect the broad scientific interests of the Society's membership but its ethos authorship content and purpose are those expected of a leading publication in the international scientific literature.
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