《植物病害與保護雜志》(JPDP)是一份國際性的科學期刊,刊載有關植物病理學、植物健康、植物保護和新發(fā)生的病蟲害的發(fā)現的應用科學方面的原創(chuàng)研究文章、評論、簡短的交流、意見和觀點論文。提供關于經常由國際會議產生的連貫主題的“特別問題”。鼓勵科學家提交關于幾乎所有方面的植物疾病、發(fā)病機制、綜合植物保護、病毒、細菌、植物質體、卵菌綱、真菌和食草動物(包括線蟲、螨蟲、昆蟲、蝸牛和嚙齒動物)的生物學和分子生物學的手稿。此外,歡迎與寄主植物互動的手稿。JPDP對植物保護的各個方面都有重要的興趣,包括研究描述殺蟲劑的作用方式、功效以及抗藥性。監(jiān)測、預測和應用技術也將包括在內。雖然JPDP主要關注植物病害和保護,因此得名,它也考慮了立法方面的手稿。將研究成果發(fā)表在JPDP上的先決條件是對貢獻中所涉及的新元素作出明確的假設,而這反過來又應以超越僅僅描述一種新生物制劑或過程的全面分析為基礎。我們接受來自世界各地的手稿,只要主題和研究領域與歐洲植物健康和保護有關。該雜志是德國植物保護和植物健康協會的官方機構。DPG會員可以免費訪問本在線版的《植物病害與保護雜志》——這是包含在會員費中的。同行評審使用editor Manager?進行,由國際專家數據庫支持。該數據庫與歐洲植物病理學雜志共享。
The Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection (JPDP) is an international scientific journal that publishes original research articles, reviews, short communications, opinion and perspectives papers dealing with applied scientific aspects of plant pathology, plant health, plant protection and findings on newly occurring diseases and pests. "Special Issues" on coherent themes often arising from International Conferences are offered.Scientists are encouraged to submit manuscripts on virtually all aspects of plant diseases, pathogenesis, integrated plant protection, biology and molecular biology of viruses, bacteria, phytoplasms, oomycota, fungi and herbivores, including nematodes, mites, insects, snails and rodents. In addition, manuscripts on the interaction with the host plants are welcome.JPDP has a significant interest in all aspects of plant protection, including research describing the mode of action and efficacy of pesticides as well as pesticide resistance. Monitoring, forecasting and application technologies will also be a included. Although JPDP primarily focuses on plant diseases and protection, hence the name of the journal, it also considers manuscripts on legislative aspects.Prerequisites for research results to be published in the JPDP are a clearly stated hypothesis on the novel elements dealt with in the contribution, which in turn should be based on a thorough analyses going beyond the mere description of a novel biological agent or process.We accept manuscripts from all over the world provided that the themes and research areas are of relevance for European plant health and protection.The Journal is the official organ of the German Society for Plant Protection and Plant Health r.S. (Deutsche Phytomedizinische Gesellschaft e.V. - DPG). DPG members have free access to this online-edition of The Journal of Plant Disease and Protection – it is included in the membership fee.Peer review is conducted using Editorial Manager?, supported by a database of international experts. This database is shared with the European Journal of Plant Pathology.
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