自赫爾曼·馬克(Hermann Mark)創辦《高分子科學雜志》(Journal of Polymer Science)以來的50年里,聚合物物理學發生了翻天覆地的變化。今天的聚合物物理學是一門跨學科的科學,它已經從傳統的核心領域擴展到能源材料、生物系統、光學和電子以及納米技術等多種領域。聚合物科學雜志:聚合物物理反映了當今聚合物物理研究領域的廣泛興趣,為快速報道聚合物物理的突破和聚合物物理問題解決的應用提供了一個專門的論壇。您可以期待一個令人興奮的混合全面的審查,遠見卓識,高影響力的溝通和完整的論文,代表了聚合物系統科學的整個領域,從理論到實驗到應用。我們的內部編輯人員全職,有經驗的博士科學家確??焖?,專業,中立的同行審查您的貢獻。發表后,我們的團隊將努力確保您的論文得到同行和更廣泛的科學界的認可。高分子科學雜志:高分子物理:21世紀的高分子科學?!陡叻肿涌茖W雜志:高分子物理》涵蓋了高分子物理的各個方面和相關領域,包括理論和仿真多尺度建模聚合物的電子產品電荷載體運輸創新的表征技術和方法旋光性聚合物離子傳輸嵌段共聚物的物理和應用納米復合材料能源用聚合物光電子學聚合物納米材料和納米結構聚合物表面和界面的聚合物聚合物或聚合物分散液晶生物聚合物和生物系統物理學磁性和鐵電聚合物電活性聚合物和聚合物執行器離子交聯聚合物聚合電解質聚合物電化學形狀記憶聚合物水凝膠
Polymer physics has evolved dramatically in the fifty years since the launch of the Journal of Polymer Science by Hermann Mark. Today’s polymer physics is an interdisciplinary science that has expanded beyond its traditional core to fields as diverse as energy materials, biological systems, optics and electronics, and nanotechnology.The Journal of Polymer Science: Polymer Physics reflects the broader interests of today’s polymer physics research community, providing a dedicated forum for rapidly reporting breakthroughs in polymer physics and the application of polymer physics problem solving.You can look forward to an exciting mix of comprehensive reviews, visionary insights, and high-impact communications and full papers that represent the gamut of the science of polymer systems, from theory to experiment to applications.Our in-house editorial staff of full-time, experienced PhD scientists ensures fast, professional, and neutral peer review of your contribution. After publication, our team will work to ensure that your paper receives the recognition it deserves by your peers and the broader scientific community.The Journal of Polymer Science: Polymer Physics: polymer science for the 21st century.Research topics covered in the Journal of Polymer Science: Polymer Physics include all aspects of polymer physics and related fields, includingTheory and simulationMultiscale modelingPolymer electronicsCharge carrier transportInnovative characterization techniques and methodologiesOptically active polymersIon transportPhysics and applications of block copolymersNanocompositesPolymers for energy applicationsOptoelectronicsPolymeric nanomaterials and nanostructured polymersPolymers at surfaces and interfacesPolymeric or polymer-dispersed liquid crystalsBiopolymers and the physics of biological systemsMagnetic and ferroelectric polymersElectroactive polymers and polymeric actuatorsIonomersPolyelectrolytesPolymer electrochemistryShape memory polymersHydrogels
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