《物理生物學》是一份由IOP出版的同行評議的科學期刊,涵蓋了連接生物和物理科學的一系列領域,包括生物物理學、系統生物學、種群動力學等。主編是萊斯大學的赫伯特·萊文。該期刊在ISI科學/科學引文索引網、PubMed、MEDLINE、Inspec、Scopus、BIOSIS Previews/Biological abstract、EMBASE、EMBiology和當前生物科學意識中被編入索引。
Physical Biology is a peer-reviewed scientific journal published by IOP Publishing covering a range of fields that bridge the biological and physical sciences, including biophysics, systems biology, population dynamics, etc. The editor-in-chief is Herbert Levine of Rice University.The journal is indexed in ISI Web of Science/Science Citation Index, PubMed, MEDLINE, Inspec, Scopus, BIOSIS Previews/Biological Abstracts, EMBASE, EMBiology, and Current Awareness in Biological Sciences.
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