The aim of the journal is to communicate the results of original research in a variety of clinical and scientific specialities concerned with in utero diagnosis of fetal abnormality in man (and animal models) resulting from genetic and environmental factors. This is considered to encompass: genetic and other forms of screening aimed at identifying pregnancies at risk of fetal abnormality the epidemiology and pathology of fetal abnormality (including fetal infection) fetal and maternal factors relating to intrauterine development antenatal care in relation to the prevention of fetal abnormality genetic counselling and selective termination of pregnancy psychosocial aspects of prenatal diagnosis the development and evaluation of services for prenatal diagnosis developments in the field of obstetric ultrasound amniocentesis chorion villus sampling fetoscopy and fetal blood and tissue sampling medical and surgical treatment of fetal disorders developments in genetic linkage and DNA analysis for the diagnosis of gene mutations diagnosis of metabolic defects from chorion villus samples and amniotic fluid advances in amniotic cell culture and cytogenetic techniques pre-implantation diagnosis first trimester maternal serum screening and early amniocentesis multicolour fluorescence in situ analysis for aneuploidy detection in interphase isolation and analysis of fetal cells from the maternal circulation Editorial Policy The overriding criteria for publication are originality a high scientific quality and interest to a wide audience of those concerned with all aspects of prenatal diagnosis research. The journal provides a multidisciplinary forum for the exchange of information by which it is hoped to increase knowledge about the aetiology and pathogenesis of fetal abnormality and to promote further opportunities for its treatment and prevention. Papers not sufficiently substantiated by experimental detail will not be accepted and although technical queries will be referred back to the author the Editor reserves the right to make alterations in the text without altering the technical content.
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