The Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science publishes peer-reviewed original papers that advance understanding of both the fundamentals of engineering science and its application to the solution of problems in mechanical engineering systems, machines and components. The Journal has an international reputation for excellence and is regarded as core material for every engineering collection.Principal topics include:Materials; metrology; mechanisms; solid mechanics; dynamic systems; thermofluid mechanics; tribology; reliability engineering; mechatronics; nano-and micro-mechanical engineering devices; biomedical engineering and systems and design.The Journal also features a Section for rapid dissemination of research in the form of Fast-Track Communications in Mechanical Engineering Science.For editorial purposes the Journal uses the following classifications, but submissions of a multidisciplinary nature or in new and emerging areas are also welcome.MATERIAL STRESS ANALYSIS, STRUCTURESa. Properties (metals-polymers-ceramics) and processingb. Stresses in machines and structures, Contact stressesc. Mechanics and characterisation -- nano, micro and macro analysesDYNAMICS and CONTROLa. Noise & vibrationb. Vehicle engineeringc. Sports equipment engineeringFLUID MECHANICSa. All aspects of experimental, computational and theoretical fluid flowb. Fluid-structure interactionc. Aero-acousticsTHERMODYNAMICS and HEAT TRANSFER a. Experimental, computational, and physical aspects of heat transfer and thermodynamicsb. New experimental methods for heat transferc. Combustion and thermodynamic aspects of machineryd. Environmental applications of heat transfer, energy sources (renewable & non-renewable and analysis)e. Thermodynamics of multiphase and microscale flowsDESIGN and MANUFACTUREa. New design theory and methodb. Design optimizationc. Design for manufacturingd. Additive manufacturingSURFACES and INTERFACESa. Tribology (fundamental aspects of surface interactions, lubrication, friction and wear)b. Lubricant rheologyc. Metrology (surface representation and analysis), Measuring systems (contacting and non-contacting)d. Corrosion and erosionBIOMEDICAL ENGINEERINGa. Biomechanicsb. Bio-tribologyc. Medical equipment and systemsKINEMATICS AND MECHANISMSa. Theoretical kinematicsb. Computational kinematicsc. Analysis and synthesisd. Design, characteristicse. Reconfigurable mechanismsf. Compliant mechanismsg. Cam, linkagesTRANSMISSION AND MACHINESa. Analysis, designb. Greats, couplings suspensions, vehiclesc. Reliability, stabilityd. Mechanical systemse. Connections and jointsf. Gears, belts and bearingsg. Fault diagnosisROBOTICS and AUTONOMOUS SYSTEMSa. Information storage and retrieval systemsb. Artificial intelligence, neural networksc. Machine learning, pattern recognition11. MICRO- and NANO-MECHANICAL SYSTEMSa. Requirements, Design, Performanceb. Engineering science aspects of mechanical and electrical/electronic systems, Microelectromechanical systems (MEMS)FAST-TRACK COMMUNICATIONS Short (approximately 2000 words or 4 pages) communications for the rapid dissemination of significant findings in Mechanical Engineering Science. Items accepted for publication in this Section could include:1. Early announcements of new and timely results and conclusions based upon theoretical analysis or experimental investigations;2. New interpretations of basic concepts governing the performance of mechanical systems;3. The announcement of successful and innovative applications of engineering science to the solution of problems in the design, manufacture and operation of mechanical systems;4. The development and application of new experimental techniques, analytical methods and numerical procedures.
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