運動心理學是一個國際論壇的學術報告,在運動心理學和運動,廣義上的定義。該雜志對各種方法方法的使用持開放態度。手稿將被視為出版將結果從高質量的實證研究,系統評價,薈萃分析,評論關于已經發表了PSE論文或主題的一般利益PSE讀者,為試驗協議文件,專業實踐報告(需要展示學術嚴謹性和超越單純的描述)。試驗的議定書文件需要遵循配偶指南聯合聲明;作者應提供流程圖,并附上他們的求職信配偶清單。對于meta分析,應遵循PRISMA PRISMA -statement準則;作者應提供流程圖,并附上他們的求職信棱鏡檢查表。對于系統審查,建議遵循PRISMA指南,盡管它不是強制性的。有興趣提交已發表研究的副本的作者需要在開始復制之前與主編聯系。我們對旨在測試從英語到另一種語言的現有量表的心理測量特性的手稿不感興趣,除非使用新的驗證方法來解決以前未回答的研究問題。
Psychology of Sport and Exercise is an international forum for scholarly reports in the psychology of sport and exercise, broadly defined. The journal is open to the use of diverse methodological approaches. Manuscripts that will be considered for publication will present results from high quality empirical research, systematic reviews, meta-analyses, commentaries concerning already published PSE papers or topics of general interest for PSE readers, protocol papers for trials, and reports of professional practice (which will need to demonstrate academic rigour and go beyond mere description). The CONSORT guidelines consort-statement need to be followed for protocol papers for trials; authors should present a flow diagramme and attach with their cover letter the CONSORT checklist. For meta-analysis, the PRISMA prisma-statement guidelines should be followed; authors should present a flow diagramme and attach with their cover letter the PRISMA checklist. For systematic reviews it is recommended that the PRISMA guidelines are followed, although it is not compulsory. Authors interested in submitting replications of published studies need to contact the Editors-in-Chief before they start their replication. We are not interested in manuscripts that aim to test the psychometric properties of an existing scale from English to another language, unless new validation methods are used which address previously unanswered research questions.
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