抗氧化劑和氧化還原信號(ARS)是致力于了解氧化還原原理控制健康和疾病的領先雜志。這本雜志提供和探索了氧化還原療法的重要和不斷擴大的世界的關鍵方面-遺傳,藥理和營養。前沿研究領域包括結構生物學、干細胞、再生醫學、表觀遺傳學、影像學、臨床結果、預防和治療營養等。ARS已經擴展到在一本雜志中創建兩個獨特的焦點:ARS發現和ARS治療。ARS的發現(24期)出版了基礎研究和應用研究的最高水平的突破。ARS Therapeutics(12期)是第一本此類出版物,通過展示氧化還原科學改變健康結果的潛力,將有助于增強氧化還原生物學的整個領域。ARS覆蓋范圍包括:ROS / RNS信使氣體傳感器的信號缺氧和組織氧合微原核系統植物生物學課程ARS由主編Chandan K. Sen博士、俄亥俄州立大學Wexner醫學中心和其他主要研究人員領導。查看整個編輯委員會。聽眾:細胞生物學家,分子生物學家,生物化學家,醫學研究人員,營養學家等等。ARS在驗收后72小時內提供“即時在線”出版物。第一次決定的平均時間:18天平均分類時間:48小時索引/抽象:MEDLINE;PubMed;公共醫學中心;當前內容?/生命科學;科學引文索引擴展;生物化學與生物物理學引文索引;生物提取;生物預覽;期刊引用報告/科學版;EMBASE /摘要》;EMBiology;斯高帕斯;化學文摘;ProQuest數據庫
Antioxidants & Redox Signaling (ARS) is the leading journal dedicated to the understanding of redox principles governing health and disease. This Journal provides and explores key aspects of the important and expanding world of redox-based therapeutics—genetic, pharmacological, and nutritional. Cutting-edge research focuses on structural biology, stem cells, regenerative medicine, epigenetics, imaging, clinical outcomes, and preventive and therapeutic nutrition, among other areas.ARS has expanded to create two unique foci within one journal: ARS Discoveries and ARS Therapeutics. ARS Discoveries (24 issues) publishes the highest-caliber breakthroughs in basic and applied research. ARS Therapeutics (12 issues) is the first publication of its kind that will help enhance the entire field of redox biology by showcasing the potential of redox sciences to change health outcomes.ARS coverage includes:ROS/RNS as messengersGaseous signal transducersHypoxia and tissue oxygenationmicroRNAProkaryotic systemsLessons from plant biologyARS is under the editorial leadership of Editor-in-Chief Chandan K. Sen, PhD, The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, and other leading investigators. View the entire editorial board.Audience: Cell biologists, molecular biologists, biochemists, medical researchers, and nutritionists, among others.ARS provides "Instant Online" publication 72 hours after acceptance. Average time to first decision: 18 days Average time to triage decision: 48 hoursIndexed/Abstracted in:MEDLINE; PubMed; PubMed Central; Current Contents?/Life Sciences; Science Citation Index Expanded;Science Citation Index?; Biochemistry & Biophysics Citation Index?; Biological Abstracts; BIOSIS Previews;Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition; EMBASE/Excerpta Medica; EMBiology; Scopus; Chemical Abstracts;ProQuest databases
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