生殖生物學和內分泌學(RB&E)是一種開放的、同行評審的在線期刊,旨在廣泛傳播生殖科學領域優秀研究的成果。RB&E為生殖和發育生物學家、生殖內分泌學家、免疫學家、熱原學家、不孕專家、產科醫師、婦科醫師、男科醫師、泌尿婦科醫師、更年期專家、生殖道腫瘤學家和生殖流行病學家提供全球平臺。該雜志的范圍涵蓋配子發生、受精、早期胚胎發育、胚胎-子宮相互作用、生殖發育、妊娠、子宮生物學、生殖內分泌學、生殖控制、生殖免疫學、神經內分泌學以及獸醫和人類生殖醫學(病例報告除外)。所有脊椎動物都被覆蓋。 RB&E還涵蓋臨床受試者,如生殖的病理生理學(例如不育,不育和異常妊娠,以及生殖道感染),年齡相關的變化和生殖道疾病(例如圍絕經期和絕經后期,尿失禁和其他骨盆底疾病,激素替代療法的影響),生殖組織癌癥(如前列腺,卵巢,子宮,子宮頸,乳房),以及環境和職業危害對生殖的影響。
Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology (RB&E) is an Open Access, peer-reviewed, online journal aiming for the wide distribution of results from excellent research in the reproductive sciences. RB&E represents a global platform for reproductive and developmental biologists, reproductive endocrinologists, immunologists, theriogenologists, infertility specialists, obstetricians, gynecologists, andrologists, urogynecologists, specialists in menopause, reproductive tract oncologists, and reproductive epidemiologists. The journal scope covers gametogenesis, fertilization, early embryonic development, embryo-uterus interaction, reproductive development, pregnancy, uterine biology, endocrinology of reproduction, control of reproduction, reproductive immunology, neuroendocrinology, and veterinary and human reproductive medicine (except Case Reports). All vertebrate species are covered. RB&E also covers clinical subjects such as the pathophysiology of reproduction (e.g. sterility, infertility and abnormal pregnancy, and reproductive tract infections), age-associated changes and disorders of the reproductive tract (e.g. peri- and postmenopausal periods, urinary incontinence and other pelvic floor disorders, impact of hormone replacement therapy), reproductive tissue cancers (e.g. prostate, ovary, uterus, cervix, breast), and the impact of environmental and occupational hazards on reproduction.
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