The Journal publishes original research papers and review articles. Researchers from all countries are invited to publish pure or applied ecological, environmental, biogeographical, zoological, botanical, paleontological, biometrical-biomathematical and quantitative ecological or multidisciplinary agricultural research of international interest on its pages. The focus is on topics such as:Community, ecosystem and global ecologyBiometrics, theoretical- and quantitative ecologyMultidisciplinary agricultural and environmental researchSustainable and organic agriculture, natural resource managementEcological methodology, monitoring and modelingBiodiversity and ecosystem research, microbiology, botany and zoologyBiostatistics and modeling in epidemiology, public health and veterinaryEarth history, paleontology, extinctions, biogeography, biogeochemistryConservation biology, environmental protectionEcological economics, natural capital and ecosystem servicesClimatology, meteorology, climate change, climate-ecology.The Journal publishes theoretical papers as well as application-oriented contributions and practical case studies. There is no bias with regard to taxon or geographical area. Purely descriptive papers (like only taxonomic lists) will not be accepted for publication.The journal is published in yearly volumes of at least four issues. The journal will have a limited number of printed copies (mainly for libraries), articles and their appendices (if any) will be available on our website for free download.
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