俄羅斯物理學雜志,Izvestiya vuz的翻譯。菲茲卡涵蓋了應用物理學的廣泛專業研究領域,重點研究固態物理、光學和磁性的實際應用。在電致發光和晶體磷光方面,有一些特別有趣的結果;半導體;固體的相變;超導性;薄膜的性質;和磁力學現象。
Russian Physics Journal, a translation of Izvestiya vuz. Fizika, covers the broad spectrum of specialized research in applied physics, placing emphasis on work with practical applications in solid-state physics, optics, and magnetism. Particularly interesting results are reported in connection with: electroluminescence and crystal phospors; semiconductors; phase transformations in solids; superconductivity; properties of thin films; and magnetomechanical phenomena.
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