Sbornik:數學是俄語月刊Matematicheskii Sbornik的英文譯本。 這是俄羅斯最古老的數學期刊,自1866年出版以來。自1995年初以來,Sbornik:數學由倫敦數學學會,Turpion有限公司和俄羅斯科學院聯合出版。 Sbornik:數學每兩個月出版一次; 每個問題由兩個問題組成,即Matematicheskii Sbornik翻譯成英文。 該期刊僅發表原創研究論文,其中包含作者研究領域的全部成果。
Sbornik: Mathematics is the English translation of the Russian monthly journal Matematicheskii Sbornik. This is the oldest Russian mathematical journal, in publication since 1866. Since the beginning of 1995 Sbornik: Mathematics has been published jointly by the London Mathematical Society, Turpion Ltd, and the Russian Academy of Sciences. Sbornik: Mathematics is published bimonthly; each issue being made up of two issues of Matematicheskii Sbornik translated into English. The journal publishes only original research papers containing full results in the author's field of study.
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