《森林遺傳學》是一本具有65年以上理論和應用森林遺傳學和樹木育種領域傳統和經驗的國際同行評議期刊。它延續了由W.蘭格納于1951年創辦的《森林遺傳學與林木育種雜志》(Zeitschrift fur Forstgenetik und Forstpflanzenzuchtung)。拒收率:30%人口與進化遺傳學保護遺傳學樹/森林育種研究樹生物技術樹分子遺傳學與基因組學此外,歡迎發表有關生態學研究的手稿,這些手稿對樹木和其他森林生物的遺傳學有影響。
Silvae Genetica is an international peer reviewed journal with more than 65 year tradition and experience in all fields of theoretical and applied Forest Genetics and Tree breeding. It continues "Zeitschrift für Forstgenetik und Forstpflanzenzüchtung" (Journal of Forest Genetics and Forest Tree Breeding) founded by W. LANGNER in 1951.Rejection Rate: 30%Population and evolutionary geneticsConservation geneticsTree/forest breeding studiesTree biotechnologyTree molecular genetics and genomicsMoreover, manuscripts about ecological studies with implications for the genetics of trees and other organisms of forests are welcome.
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