Statistica Sinica旨在滿足快速變化的世界中統計人員的需求。 它為在統計學的所有領域(包括理論,方法和應用)出版高質量的創新工作提供了一個論壇。 該期刊鼓勵發展和原則使用與社會,科學和技術相關的統計方法。 它在1月,4月,7月和10月每季度出版一次。
Statistica Sinica aims to meet the needs of statisticians in a rapidly changing world. It provides a forum for the publication of innovative work of high quality in all areas of statistics, including theory, methodology and applications. The journal encourages the development and principled use of statistical methodology that is relevant for society, science and technology. It is published quarterly in January, April, July and October.
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