The journal publishes clinical and clinico-experimental studies, as well as reviews and articles on all pressing problems concerning the diseases of the internal organs. It deals with problems of pathogenesis, clinical picture, the latest methods of diagnosis and treatment and also prevention of internal diseases. It acquaints the readers with original investigations reflecting development of Russian therapeutic science. Topical issues devoted to separate therapeutic disciplines (pulmonology, cardiology, gastroenterology, hematology, etc.), articles by leading therapeutists of foreign countries, scientific reviews, chronicle of the most important therapeutic congresses and symposia on therapy, surveys of the activity of the All-Russian Therapeutic Society and its branches, proceedings of scientific congresses and conferences, articles on philosophical problems of medicine, organization and methodology of teaching internal diseases at higher educational establishments, problems of history of medicine, reviews of new books on the subject, discussions on scientific and organizational problems are published. The journal is intended for general practitioners, medical students and professionals.
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