THEORY OF COMPUTING SYSTEMS is devoted to publishing original research from all areas of theoretical computer science, ranging from foundational areas such as computational complexity, to fundamental areas such as algorithms and data structures, to focused areas such as parallel and distributed algorithms and architectures. Topics include theoretical aspects of the following items:· Algebraic methods· Algorithmic game theory· Algorithmic information theory· Algorithms and data structures· Analysis of algorithms· Applied graph theory· Approximate algorithms for hard problems· Approximation algorithms· Automata· Formal languages· Combinatorial pattern matching· Communication networks· Complexity and computability theory· Computational and algorithmic learning theory· Computational biology· Computational complexity· Computational geometry· Computational molecular biology· Computational science · Cryptography and security· Data compression algorithms· Data mining· Data structures· Database theory· Distributed algorithms· Distributed computing· Dynamic data structures· Effective mathematics· Exact algorithms· External memory algorithms· Graph algorithms· Kolmogorov complexity· Logic in computer science· Machine learning· Machine-based complexity theory· Mobile computing· Models of computation· Molecular computation· Networks· Parallel and distributed computing· Physics and computation· Program checking· Property testing· Quantum computing· Randomized algorithms· Routing, broadcasting, searching· String algorithms· Text indexing· Theoretical aspects of parallel algorithms and architectures of networks· Theory of communication networks· Theory of concurrent systems
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