土耳其地球科學雜志是土耳其科學技術研究委員會(TUBITAK)的出版物。它最初成立于1976年,自那以后一直出版。它是前TUBITAK Doga雜志的延續。《土耳其地球科學雜志》是一份國際英文期刊,出版地球和行星科學的所有領域,如地質學、地球物理學、地球化學、古生物學、海洋學、巖石學、礦物學和礦床研究的重要原始研究和綜合評論。它為許多不同專家感興趣的跨學科論文提供了一種媒介。除了原創和評論文章,該雜志還發表已經發表的論文的討論。歡迎書評。發表在期刊上的論文不收版面費。土耳其地球科學雜志每四個月出版一次(4月、8月和12月)。該雜志還偶爾出版專題或特別會議議題。
The Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences is a publication of the Scientific and Technical Research Concil of Turkey (TUBITAK). It was originally established in 1976 and has been published since then. It is the continuation of the former T?BITAK Doga Journal. The Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences is an international English-language journal for the publication of significant original research and comprehensive reviews in all fields of the Earth and Planetary sciences, such as geology, geophysics, geochemistry, palaeontology, oceanography, petrology, mineralogy, and mineral deposits research. It provides a medium for interdisciplinary papers that would be of interest to many different specialists. In addition to original and review articles, the journal also publishes discussions of papers which have already appeared in the Journal. Book reviews are welcome. There are no page charges for papers published in the Journal. The Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences is published every four months (April, August and December). The Journal also publishes occasional thematic or special conference issues.
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