超聲波在婦產科的特點是月刊廣泛使用彩色和完全國際作者。它被納入包括Medicus指數和Current content在內的所有主要指標中,具有較高的影響等級。其內容包括原創研究論文、病例報告和對灰階和多普勒超聲在婦科和母胎醫學中應用的廣泛課題的綜述。讀者可以了解目前的發展,在超聲設備和最先進的技術。它的定期編輯意見和專欄提供了一個論壇,目前的辯論和交換意見的所有方面,這一不斷發展的學科。
Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology features monthly publication extensive use of colour and a completely international authorship. It is incorporated in all the primary indexes including Index Medicus and Current Contents and enjoys a high impact rating. Its contents include original research articles case reports and reviews on a broad range of subjects related to the application of grey-scale and Doppler ultrasonography in gynaecology and maternal-fetal medicine. Readers can gain insight into current developments in ultrasound equipment and state-of-the-art techniques. Its regular Editorial Opinion and Letter columns provide a forum for current debates and exchange of ideas about all aspects of this evolving discipline.
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