Vadose Zone Journal是一個跨學科研究和評估Vadose Zone的獨特出版渠道,Vadose Zone是臨界帶的一部分,包括地球地下到地下水的臨界生活表面。VZJ是一個同行評審,國際期刊出版評論,原創研究,和特殊的部分跨越廣泛的學科。Vadose Zone Journal歡迎來自各個學科的原創貢獻、評論和觀點論文,這些學科涉及Vadose Zone,包括那些涉及廣泛的科學和社會問題的學科(例如,氣候變化、生物燃料、可持續性、納米技術)。福利包括:在線投稿、審稿、出版專題、審稿文章、原創研究、技術筆記、書評ISI影響因子:2.710(5年影響因子:2.556)特征因子:0.00635
Vadose Zone Journal is a unique publication outlet for interdisciplinary research and assessment of the vadose zone, the portion of the Critical Zone that comprises the Earth’s critical living surface down to groundwater. VZJ is a peer-reviewed, international journal publishing reviews, original research, and special sections across a wide range of disciplines.Vadose Zone Journal welcomes original contributions, reviews, and opinion papers across a wide range of disciplines that involve the vadose zone, including those that address broad scientific and societal issues (e.g., climate change, biofuels, sustainability, nanotechnology).Benefits include:Online manuscript submission, review, and publication of special sections, review articles, original research, technical notes and book reviewsISI Impact Factor: 2.710 (5-year impact factor: 2.556)Eigenfactor: 0.00635
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