“世界霉菌毒素雜志”的影響因子為1.717,5年影響因子為1.810(2017年期刊引用報告,Clarivate Analytics 2018)。期刊的CiteScore為1.71(CiteScore?2017。由Scopus于2018年4月30日計算)。“世界霉菌毒素雜志”每年發行四次。每期約包含100頁。主編:Franz BerthillerISSN 1875-0710(紙質版)ISSN 1875-0796(在線版)目的和范圍“世界霉菌毒素雜志”是一份同行評審的科學期刊,只有一個特定的重點領域:促進霉菌毒素科學。該期刊包含處理霉菌毒素的所有領域的原創研究論文和評論,以及意見,即將發布的霉菌毒素相關事件和書評的日歷。該期刊采用多學科方法,重點關注廣泛的問題,包括毒理學,風險評估,全球發生,毒素形成的模型和預測,基因組學,用于控制真菌毒素真菌的分子生物學,收獲前和收獲后預防和控制,取樣,分析方法和質量保證,食品技術,經濟和監管問題。 “世界霉菌毒素雜志”旨在滿足科學界和工業界以及政策制定者和監管機構的研究人員和專業人士的需求。“世界霉菌毒素雜志”處理的主題是:國際發展和監管問題霉菌毒素的經濟影響關于主要真菌毒素的最新信息以及食品和飼料鏈中出現的問題人類和動物的營養和健康影響霉菌毒素毒理學和毒代動力學的最新發現模擬和預測霉菌毒素形成的趨勢采伐前和采后預防和控制的戰略基因組學在霉菌毒素研究中的應用用于控制真菌毒素真菌的分子生物學去污和解毒解決方案霉菌毒素采樣分析和分析質量保證的新進展,包括參考材料世界范圍內發生和接觸霉菌毒素的案件(涉及當地購買商品的文件通常不會公布)
'World Mycotoxin Journal' has an Impact Factor of 1.717 and the 5 year Impact Factor is 1.810 (2017 Journal Citation Reports, Clarivate Analytics 2018).The journal's CiteScore is 1.71 (CiteScore? 2017. Calculated by Scopus on 30 April 2018).'World Mycotoxin Journal' is issued four times a year. Each issue contains approximately 100 pages.Editor-in-chief: Franz Berthiller ISSN 1875-0710 (paper edition)ISSN 1875-0796 (online edition)Aims and scope'World Mycotoxin Journal' is a peer-reviewed scientific journal with only one specific area of focus: the promotion of the science of mycotoxins. The journal contains original research papers and critical reviews in all areas dealing with mycotoxins, together with opinions, a calendar of forthcoming mycotoxin-related events and book reviews. The journal takes a multidisciplinary approach, and it focuses on a broad spectrum of issues, including toxicology, risk assessment, worldwide occurrence, modelling and prediction of toxin formation, genomics, molecular biology for control of mycotoxigenic fungi, pre-and post-harvest prevention and control, sampling, analytical methodology and quality assurance, food technology, economics and regulatory issues. 'World Mycotoxin Journal' is intended to serve the needs of researchers and professionals from the scientific community and industry, as well as of policy makers and regulators. Topics dealt by 'World Mycotoxin Journal' are:International developments and regulatory issuesThe economic impact of mycotoxinsThe latest information on major mycotoxins and emerging problems in the food and feed chainHuman and animal nutrition and health effectsLatest discoveries in mycotoxin toxicology and toxicokineticsTrends in modelling and prediction of mycotoxin formationStrategies for pre- and postharvest prevention and controlApplication of genomics in mycotoxin research Molecular biology for control of mycotoxigenic fungiDecontamination and detoxification solutionsNew developments in mycotoxin sampling analysis and analytical quality assurance, including reference materialsWorldwide cases of occurrence and exposure to mycotoxins (papers dealing with locally purchased commodities are usually not published)
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