歐洲物理期刊- Plus (EPJ Plus)分發和存檔材料,以詳細記錄、評估、驗證和重建物理和相關科學的知識體系。范圍涵蓋物理及相關科學的廣泛領域和學科,并明確加入地球物理學、天體物理學、廣義相對論和宇宙學、數學和量子物理學、古典力學和流體力學,以及應用于能源、環境和文化遺產的物理技術。該雜志提供了一個新的論壇,為設置和改進標準,程序和性能的實驗和觀測物理;計算物理學;和理論物理。覆蓋范圍包括通過對現有工作的深入了解研究的進展、驗證和記錄;原始研究及其他相關研究。
The European Physical Journal - Plus (EPJ Plus) distributes and archives material required to document, assess, validate and reconstruct in detail the body of knowledge in the physical and related sciences. The scope encompasses a broad landscape of fields and disciplines in the physical and related science with the explicit addition of geophysics, astrophysics, general relativity and cosmology, mathematical and quantum physics, classical and fluid mechanics, as well as physics techniques applied to energy, environment and cultural heritage.The journal offers a new forum for the setting and improvement of standards, procedures and performance in experimental and observational physics; computational physics; and theoretical physics.Coverage includes progress, verification and documentation of research through insights on existing work; original research and other relevant studies.
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