《綠色化學快報與評論》是一份開放獲取、同行評議的期刊,專注于快速出版能夠減少或消除有害物質使用和生成的創新合成方法和程序。最先進的綠色化學技術的評論也包括在雜志的范圍內。《綠色化學快報》和《綠色化學評論》分為三個重疊的主題領域:研究、教育和工業實施。該雜志同時刊登了兩封信件,其中簡潔地傳達了對時間最敏感的結果,以及有助于研究人員了解重要綠色化學主題的科學現狀的評論。本署鼓勵市民提交符合綠色化學12項原則的申請:綠色化學教育合成反應途徑研究和過程分析技術分離純化技術可再生原料可降解產品發表在雜志上的信件和評論對研究、教學和工業領域的人很有興趣,他們構成了綠色化學社區以及更廣泛的環境科學家。開放獲取所有發表在這個開放獲取,同行評議的雜志上的文章,隨時隨地,任何人都可以在網上隨時閱讀。更多關于Taylor & Francis open access的信息可以在這里找到。為了支付開放獲取出版的費用,《綠色化學快報》和《評論》收取了一筆文章出版費用,目前的介紹性折扣價為600美元/ 460英鎊/ 530歐元。更多關于泰勒和弗朗西斯文章出版費用的信息可以在這里找到。向本刊投稿不收費。
Green Chemistry Letters and Reviews is an Open Access, peer-reviewed journal focused on rapid publication of innovative new syntheses and procedures that reduce or eliminate the use and generation of hazardous materials. Reviews of state-of-the-art green chemistry technologies are also included within the journal's scope.Green Chemistry Letters and Reviews is divided into three overlapping topic areas: research, education, and industrial implementation. The journal publishes both letters, which concisely communicate the most time-sensitive results, and reviews, which aid researchers in understanding the state of science on important green chemistry topics. Submissions are encouraged which apply the 12 principles of green chemistry to:Green Chemistry EducationSynthetic Reaction PathwaysResearch and Process Analytical TechniquesSeparation and Purification TechnologiesRenewable FeedstocksDegradable Products Letters and reviews published in the journal are of interest to those in research, teaching, and industry who constitute the green chemistry community as well as environmental scientists more generally. Open Access All articles published in this open access, peer-reviewed journal are permanently available online immediately on publication to anyone, anywhere, at any time. Further information about Taylor & Francis open access can be found here. To cover the costs of open access publishing, Green Chemistry Letters and Reviews charges an article publishing fee which is currently an introductory discounted rate of US$600 / ?460 / ?530. More information about Taylor & Francis article publishing charges can be found here. There are no charges for submission to this journal.
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