胸腔癌旨在促進國際合作和交流關于肺癌、食管癌、縱隔癌、乳腺癌和其他胸腔惡性腫瘤的基礎、轉化和應用臨床研究的全面和前沿信息。與亞太地區有關的預防、治療和研究是一個重點領域,但歡迎所有地區提交報告。編輯們鼓勵對預防、普胸外科、醫學腫瘤學、放射學、放射醫學、病理學、基礎癌癥研究以及胸癌的流行病學和轉化研究做出貢獻。胸癌是中國肺癌學會的官方出版物,國際中國胸科學會,由韓國肺癌研究協會和香港癌癥治療學會認可。該雜志發表了一系列的文章類型,包括:社論、邀請評論、小評論、原始文章、臨床指南、技術說明、胸癌成像、會議報告、病例報告、致編輯的信、評論和簡短報告。摘要和索引信息學術文件(gale-cengage)化學文摘社Cinahl:護理與聯合健康文獻累積指數(EBSCO出版)Embase(愛思唯爾)健康與醫療收集(Proquest)健康參考中心學術(Gale Cengage)健康研究保費收集(Proquest)醫院保費收集(Proquest)infotrac(大風中心)醫療線/公共醫療(NLM)Proquest Central(Proquest)通過PMC存款(NLM)發布科學引文索引擴展(Clarivate Analytics)Scopus(愛思唯爾)科學網(Clarivate Analytics)
Thoracic Cancer aims to facilitate international collaboration and exchange of comprehensive and cutting-edge information on basic, translational, and applied clinical research in lung cancer, esophageal cancer, mediastinal cancer, breast cancer and other thoracic malignancies. Prevention, treatment and research relevant to Asia-Pacific is a focus area, but submissions from all regions are welcomed. The editors encourage contributions relevant to prevention, general thoracic surgery, medical oncology, radiology, radiation medicine, pathology, basic cancer research, as well as epidemiological and translational studies in thoracic cancer. Thoracic Cancer is the official publication of the Chinese Society of Lung Cancer, International Chinese Society of Thoracic Surgery and is endorsed by the Korean Association for the Study of Lung Cancer and the Hong Kong Cancer Therapy Society.The Journal publishes a range of article types including: Editorials, Invited Reviews, Mini Reviews, Original Articles, Clinical Guidelines, Technological Notes, Imaging in thoracic cancer, Meeting Reports, Case Reports, Letters to the Editor, Commentaries, and Brief Reports.Abstracting and Indexing InformationAcademic OneFile (GALE Cengage)CAS: Chemical Abstracts Service (ACS)CINAHL: Cumulative Index to Nursing & Allied Health Literature (EBSCO Publishing)Embase (Elsevier)Health & Medical Collection (ProQuest)Health Reference Center Academic (GALE Cengage)Health Research Premium Collection (ProQuest)Hospital Premium Collection (ProQuest)InfoTrac (GALE Cengage)MEDLINE/PubMed (NLM)ProQuest Central (ProQuest)PubMed via PMC deposit (NLM)Science Citation Index Expanded (Clarivate Analytics)SCOPUS (Elsevier)Web of Science (Clarivate Analytics)
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