AITE由波蘭著名的血清學家、微生物學家和免疫學家Ludwik Hirszfeld教授于1953年創立。它是一份多學科的科學期刊,以英文發表完整的原始論文,簡短的交流和評論,涉及基礎和臨床免疫學,實驗治療,免疫遺傳學,移植,微生物學,免疫化學。AITE由醫學科學國際(波蘭華沙)代表Ludwik Hirszfeld免疫和實驗治療研究所(波蘭弗羅茨瓦夫)出版。它由國家科學研究委員會(KBN)支持。
AITE was founded in 1953 by a famous Polish serologist, microbiologist and immunologist – professor Ludwik Hirszfeld. It is a multidisciplinary scientific journal, publishing in English full original papers, short communications and reviews, which deal with basic and clinical immunology, experimental therapy, immunogenetics, transplantation, microbiology, immunochemistry. AITE is published by Medical Science International (Warsaw, Poland) on behalf of the Ludwik Hirszfeld Institute of Immunology and Experimental Therapy (Wroclaw, Poland). It is supported by the State Committee for Scientific Research (KBN).
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