European Journal of Remote Sensing publishes research papers, review articles, and technical notes related to the use of remote sensing technologies. The Journal welcomes submissions on all applications related to the use of active or passive remote sensing to terrestrial, oceanic, and atmospheric environments. The most common thematic areas covered by the Journal include:land use/land covergeology, earth and geoscienceagriculture and forestrygeography and landscapeecology and environmental sciencesupport to land managementhydrology and water resourcesatmosphere and meteorologyoceanographynew sensor systems, missions and software/algorithmspre processing/calibrationclassificationstime series/change analysisdata integration/merging/fusionimage processing and analysismodellingEuropean Journal of Remote Sensing is a fully open access journal. This means all submitted articles will, if accepted, be available for anyone to read anywhere, at any time, immediately on publication. There are no charges for submission to this journal.
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