Artificial Intelligence, which commenced publication in 1970, is now the generally accepted premier international forum for the publication of results of current research in this field. The journal welcomes foundational and applied papers describing mature work involving computational accounts of aspects of intelligence. Specifically, it welcomes papers on:Artificial Intelligence and PhilosophyAutomated reasoning and inferenceCase-based reasoningCognitive aspects of AICommonsense reasoningConstraint processingHeuristic searchHigh-level computer visionIntelligent interfacesIntelligent roboticsKnowledge representationMachine learningMultiagent systemsNatural language processingPlanning and theories of actionReasoning under uncertainty or imprecisionThe journal reports results achieved; proposals for new ways of looking at AI problems must include demonstrations of effectiveness. Papers describing systems or architectures integrating multiple technologies are welcomed. Artificial Intelligence (AIJ) also invites papers on applications, which should describe a principled solution, emphasize its novelty, and present an in-depth evaluation of the AI techniques being exploited. The journal publishes an annual issue devoted to survey articles and also hosts a "competition section" devoted to reporting results from AI competitions. From time to time, there are special issues devoted to a particular topic; such special issues always have open calls.Artificial Intelligence caters to a broad readership. Papers that are heavily mathematical in content are welcome but should be preceded by a less technical introductory section that is accessible to a wide audience. Papers that are only mathematics, without demonstrated applicability to Artificial Intelligence problems may be returned.
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