《離散數學貢獻》(ISSN 1715-0868)是一份電子期刊,致力于發表純數學和應用數學領域的重要成果。CDM總部位于加拿大卡爾加里大學,對讀者和作者都是免費的,在線編輯和出版,并將在歐洲數學信息服務中心和加拿大國家圖書館得到反映。范圍我們出版英文研究論文,內容涉及組合與圖論、離散與計算幾何、離散優化與運籌學、理論計算機科學、編碼與通信理論等。特別是下列主題(括號內為2000個AMS分類編號):數理邏輯與泛代數(03B, 03C, 08)邏輯在代數和計算機科學中的應用(03B, 03D, 03G)集理論(03 e)設計(51 05 b, e)球形填料、覆蓋物及布置(05B、52C)幾何與代數組合學(05E)部分有序集和格(06A, 06B)丟番圖逼近(11 j)密碼學,特別是代數和數論方法(11T, 14G)計算數論(11Y)矩陣和算子中的線性和非線性方程(15A, 47A, 47J)包括多邊形和剛性理論在內的離散幾何(32F, 52B, 52C)離散方面算子理論(46N, 47A)組合與有限幾何(51D, 51E)計算幾何包括計算凸性(52B, 65D)
Contributions to Discrete Mathematics (ISSN 1715-0868) is a refereed e-journal dedicated to publishing significant results in a number of areas of pure and applied mathematics. Based at the University of Calgary, Canada, CDM is free for both readers and authors, edited and published online and will be mirrored at the European Mathematical Information Service and the National Library of Canada.ScopeWe publish research articles written in English in areas such as combinatorics and graph theory, discrete and computational geometry, discrete optimization and operations research, theoretical computer science, and coding and communication theory. In particular, the following topics (2000 AMS classification numbers in parentheses):Mathematical logic and universal algebra (03B, 03C, 08)Applications of logic to algebra and computer science (03B, 03D, 03G)Set theory (03E)Designs (05B, 51E)Sphere packings, coverings and arrangements (05B, 52C)Geometric and algebraic combinatorics (05E)Partially ordered sets and lattices (06A, 06B)Diophantine approximation (11J)Cryptography, especially algebraic and number theoretic methods (11T, 14G)Computational number theory (11Y)Linear and nonlinear equations in matrices and operators (15A, 47A, 47J)Discrete geometry including the theory of polytopes and rigidity (32F, 52B, 52C)Operator theory with discrete aspects (46N, 47A)Combinatorial and finite geometry (51D, 51E)Computational geometry including computational convexity (52B, 65D)
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