腦實驗研究成立于1966年。編委會:P. Dell J.C. Eccles D.M. MacKay D. Ploog J. Szentagothai H. Waelsch。腦實驗研究在分子生理、行為、神經化學、發(fā)育、細胞和分子神經生物學以及與腦功能一般問題相關的實驗病理學等方面對中樞和外周神經系統的實驗研究做出了許多開創(chuàng)性的貢獻。完整的論文以及簡短的研究筆記都可以提交。
Experimental Brain Research was founded in 1966. Editorial Board: P. Dell J.C. Eccles D.M. MacKay D. Ploog J. Szentágothai H. Waelsch. Experimental Brain Research accepts original contributions on many aspects of experimental research of the central and peripheral nervous system in the fields of molecular physiology behaviour neurochemistry developmental cellular and molecular neurobiology and experimental pathology relevant to general problems of cerebral function. Full-length papers as well as short research notes can be submitted.
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