印度精神病學雜志(ISSN 0019-5545)是印度精神病學協會的官方出版物。每季出版一期,另有增刊(共5期)。IJP出版所有精神病學領域的原創作品。所有論文在發表前都經過同行評審。這些問題每季度出版一次。每年還出版一份增編。文章可以從www.journalonweb.com在線提交。該雜志提供立即免費訪問所有已發表的文章。期刊不收取作者提交、處理或發表文章的費用。抽象和索引信息該期刊注冊了以下文摘合作伙伴:CNKI(中國國家知識基礎設施),EBSCO出版電子數據庫,Exlibris - Primo中心,谷歌學者,Hinari, Infotrieve,期刊指南,國家科學圖書館,OpenJGate, ProQuest, TdNet
The Indian Journal of Psychiatry (ISSN 0019-5545), is an official publication of the Indian Psychiatric Society. It is published Quarterly with one additional supplement (total 5 issues). The IJP publishes original work in all the fields of psychiatry. All papers are peer-reviewed before publication.The issues are published Quarterly. An additional supplement is also published annually. Articles can be submitted online fromwww.journalonweb.com . The journal provides immediate free access to all the published articles. The journal does not charge the authors for submission, processing or publication of the articles.Abstracting and Indexing InformationThe journal is registered with the following abstracting partners:CNKI (China National Knowledge Infrastructure), EBSCO Publishing''s Electronic Databases, Exlibris – Primo Central, Google Scholar, Hinari, Infotrieve, Journal Guide, National Science Library, OpenJGate, ProQuest, TdNet
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