肺循環,是肺血管研究所的官方刊物。該雜志是一本開放的、國際性的、同行評審的醫學研究雜志,專門發表肺循環和肺血管疾病領域的原始研究、綜述文章、病例報告和指導性文章。肺循環作為一個開放的訪問標題,旨在支持向該領域的成員廣泛傳播知識,以提高患者的護理和治療效果。原始研究論文,主動提供的評論,指南和會議報告的APC為2000美元。案例報告,致編輯的信和共識報告將收取1000美元。社論將不收取任何費用。 APC在接受后支付,并在適用的情況下繳納增值稅。通過由ScholarOne ManuscriptsTM提供支持的SAGE Track,可以在線簡單有效地處理提交內容。立即提交:https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/pulmonarycirculation。肺循環已從芝加哥大學出版社轉移到Sage。
Pulmonary Circulation, is the official journal of the Pulmonary Vascular Research Institute. The journal is an open-access, international, peer-reviewed medical research journal focused on publishing original research, review articles, case reports, and guidelines articles exclusively in the fields of pulmonary circulation and pulmonary vascular disease.As an open-access title, Pulmonary Circulation aims to support the wide dissemination of knowledge to members of the field in order to improve patient care and treatment outcomes.The APC is $2,000 for Original Research Articles, unsolicited Reviews, Guidelines and Conference Reports. Case Reports, Letters to the Editor and Consensus reports will be charged at $1,000. There will be no charge for Editorials. The APC is payable upon acceptance and subject to VAT where applicable.Submissions will be handled simply and efficiently online through SAGE Track, powered by ScholarOne ManuscriptsTM. Submit today: https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/pulmonarycirculation.Pulmonary Circulation has transferred to SAGE from the University of Chicago Press.
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