《作物雜志》是一份國際同行評審的研究期刊,涵蓋作物科學的所有方面,包括作物遺傳學、育種、農學、作物生理學、種質資源、糧食化學、糧食儲存和加工、作物管理實踐、作物生物技術和生物數學,每兩個月出版一期。文章類型包括原創研究、評論和簡短的交流。該雜志的讀者包括作物科學研究人員、農業學院和大學的學生以及具有類似學術水平的人。嚴格的同行評審程序保證了學術水平,有助于提高期刊的聲譽。《作物學報》在一些國際索引系統中建立了索引,如AGRIS (FAO)、CAB文摘、化學文摘、DOAJ和食品科學與技術文摘。
The Crop Journal is an international peer-reviewed research journal covering all aspects of crop sciences including crop genetics, breeding, agronomy, crop physiology, germplasm resources, grain chemistry, grain storage and processing, crop management practices, crop biotechnology, and biomathematics on a bi-monthly basis. Article types considered include Original Research, Reviews, and Short Communications. The readership of the journal includes crop science researchers, students of agricultural colleges and universities, and persons with similar academic levels. The strict peer-review procedure guarantees the academic level and helps raise the reputation of the journal. The Crop Journal is indexed in some international index systems, such as AGRIS (FAO), CAB Abstracts, Chemical Abstracts, DOAJ, and Food Science and Technology Abstracts.
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