《國家標準與技術研究院學報》是國家標準與技術研究院的旗艦刊物。自1904年以來,它以各種名稱和形式出版,其根源是作為標準局公報發表的科學論文。1928年,科學論文與技術論文相結合,報告了材料調查結果和測試方法。這份新出版的刊物被命名為《標準研究局雜志》。從1959年開始,《華爾街日報》發表在四個獨立部分,A, B, C,以及D部分覆蓋物理和化學研究,部分覆蓋在數學和數學物理的研究,部分C覆蓋工程和儀器,和部分D覆蓋研究無線傳播,通信和大氣物理學。1977年A和B部分結合起來,作為研究雜志》上發表的國家統計局Standards.1美國國家標準局后成為國家標準與技術研究所的8月23日,1988年,《華爾街日報》改名為《華爾街日報》的國家標準與技術研究所的研究。2012年,《國家標準與技術研究院學報》(Journal of Research of NIST)轉向了純電子的快速出版模式。今天,NIST的《研究雜志》繼續作為NIST科學家報告他們在計量學和物理科學相關領域的研究的主要機制?!禢IST研究雜志》是一份開放獲取的刊物,所有發表的論文都是免費的。發表在NIST研究雜志上的論文在美國不受版權保護,作者可以在他們的網站上發布格式化的版本。作者不收取任何費用。請提供正確的歸屬為任何使用。
The Journal of Research of the National Institute of Standards and Technology is the flagship publication of the National Institute of Standards and Technology. It has been published under various titles and forms since 1904, with its roots as Scientific Papers issued as the Bulletin of the Bureau of Standards.In 1928, the Scientific Papers were combined with Technologic Papers, which reported results of investigations of material and methods of testing. This new publication was titled the Bureau of Standards Journal of Research. Beginning in 1959, the Journal was published in four separate sections, A, B, C, and D. Section A covered physical and chemical research, Section B covered studies in mathematics and mathematical physics, Section C covered engineering and instrumentation, and Section D covered research in radio propagation, communications, and atmospheric physics. In 1977 Sections A and B were combined and published as the Journal of Research of the National Bureau of Standards.1 After the National Bureau of Standards became the National Institute of Standards and Technology on August 23, 1988, the journal was renamed the Journal of Research of the National Institute of Standards and Technology. In 2012, Journal of Research of NIST moved to an electronic-only, rapid publication model.Today, the Journal of Research of NIST continues to serve as a major mechanism for NIST scientists to report on their research in metrology and related fields of physical science.The Journal of Research of NIST is an open access publication and all papers published within it are available for free. Papers published in the Journal of Research of NIST are not subject to copyright in the U.S. Authors may post the formatted versions on their websites. No fees are charged to authors. Please provide proper attribution for any use.
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