獸醫研究論壇(VRF)是一份季刊國際期刊,致力于發表全球對獸醫科學和醫學各方面的貢獻,包括解剖學和組織學,生理學和藥理學,解剖學和臨床病理學,寄生蟲學,微生物學,免疫學和流行病學,食品衛生, 家禽科學,魚類和水產養殖,麻醉和外科手術,大型和小型動物內科,大型和小型動物繁殖,生物技術以及家養,伴侶和農場動物的診斷成像。
Veterinary Research Forum (VRF) is a quarterly international journal committed to publish worldwide contributions on all aspects of veterinary science and medicine, including anatomy and histology, physiology and pharmacology, anatomic and clinical pathology, parasitology, microbiology, immunology and epidemiology, food hygiene, poultry science, fish and aquaculture, anesthesia and surgery, large and small animal internal medicine, large and small animal reproduction, biotechnology and diagnostic imaging of domestic, companion and farm animals.
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