《生態與保護展望》(PECON)是一本致力于提高保護科學理論和概念方面的科學期刊。它的主要目的是將新的研究和進展傳播給社會的不同參與者,包括研究人員、自然資源保護主義者、實踐者和決策者。《生態與保護展望》發表了關于生物多樣性保護與恢復、影響當地生態系統的主要驅動力以及自然對人類和人類福祉的益處的原始論文。這一范圍包括生物多樣性格局、生境喪失、破碎化、生物入侵和氣候變化對生物多樣性的影響、保護遺傳學、空間保護規劃、生態系統管理、生態系統服務、社會生態系統的可持續性和復原力、保護政策等方面的研究。不偏向特定的生物地理區域、生物體或生態系統。科學論文必須注重具有實際意義的新概念或方法的發展。只有將案例研究插入這些更一般的上下文中,才會予以考慮。我們鼓勵作者提交評論和論文,提供有關生態和保護問題的新觀點。沒有與保護理論和實踐明確聯系的純描述性論文和研究將不予考慮。《生態與保護展望》是“巴西生態科學與保護協會”的官方科學期刊。這是一個開放獲取的期刊,由Boticario集團自然保護基金會支持,因此對作者不收取任何費用。《生態與保護展望》(Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation)曾于2003年至2016年間出版,名為《自然資源保護》(Natureza & Conservacao)。
Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation (PECON) is a scientific journal devoted to improving theoretical and conceptual aspects of conservation science. It has the main purpose of communicating new research and advances to different actors of society, including researchers, conservationists, practitioners, and policymakers. Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation publishes original papers on biodiversity conservation and restoration, on the main drivers affecting native ecosystems, and on nature’s benefits to people and human wellbeing. This scope includes studies on biodiversity patterns, the effects of habitat loss, fragmentation, biological invasion and climate change on biodiversity, conservation genetics, spatial conservation planning, ecosystem management, ecosystem services, sustainability and resilience of socio-ecological systems, conservation policy, among others.There is no bias towards particular biogeographic regions, organisms or ecosystems. Scientific papers must focus on new conceptual or methodological developments with practical implications. Case studies will be considered only if inserted in these more general contexts. Authors are encouraged to submit reviews and essays that provide new perspectives on arising ecological and conservation issues. Purely descriptive papers and studies without a clear link with conservation theory and practice will not be considered.Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation is the official scientific journal of the "Brazilian Association for Ecological Science and Conservation". It is an open access journal, supported by the Boticário Group Foundation for Nature Protection, and thus without any charge for authors. Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation was previously published, between 2003 and 2016, as "Natureza & Conserva??o".
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